Interrupted Journey:
Saving Endangered Sea Turtles
Photographs by Christopher G. Knight
Candlewick Press, Spring 2001
A Junior Library Guild Selection
A young turtle has been swimming for months in a warm, shallow bay. But as the days grow shorter and the light drains out of the sky earlier and earlier, the water grows colder. The turtle becomes confused. It is difficult to swim. Its heartbeat slows-and almost stops. When the turtle washes up on a Cape Cod beach, a boy named Max finds him. The turtle appears to be dead. But maybe not.
the Massachusetts Audubon Society retrieves the turtle and places an emergency
call. In no time at all. a New England Aquarium team who specialize in reviving
these lost, frozen turtles are on the scene. They know that the turtle might
still be alive. With expert medical care, this Kemp's ridley is resuscitated-and
ultimately returned to the sea.
Award-winning writer Kathryn Lasky and photographer Christopher G. Knight take us on a fantastic tour of the icy Cape Cod seaside. the emergency room at the New England Aquarium. The Turtle Hospital in Marathon, Florida. and the warm beaches of the Gulf of Mexico, where turtles are born and later return to lay eggs of their own.