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Names and Faces, The Boston Globe

Is any publicity better than no publicity? The following article appeared in the gossip column of The Globe on March 12.

Tossed out of court

"Cambridge writer Kathryn Lasky was perplexed when she got a notice fining her $1,000 for illegal dumping at 90 Warren Ave. in the South End. The author of "She’s Wearing a Dead Bird on Her Head" (about the founding of the Massachusetts Audubon Society) and more than 50 other books wondered if there'd been a mistake, so off she went to Boston housing court.

Turns out the police had found her address on an invoice from publisher Viking at the bottom of an illegal pile of garbage. "They said it constituted commercial dumping," Lasky said. It's still a mystery to her how the fragment got there, "especially since I can barely get from Cambridge to Boston myself." The cops took her word for it and closed the case."

Revised: February 02, 2007.